Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SMAN 1 Kuningan, favorite high school in the District Kuningan. Located on Jl. Siliwangi 55, Kuningan, West Java. SMAN 1 Kuningan built on August 20, 1960. Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Kuningan, is one of the State High School in West Java Province, Indonesia. Together with the high school in Indonesia in general education schools in the SMAN 1 Kuningan taken within three years of lessons, ranging from Class X to Class XII.

SMAN 1 Kuningan turn of the head of the school as much as 12 times. The first one is the Drs. Somadi Mukri, next is to Drs. Subandhi (1964-1982), Drs. Soemardi (1982-1985), Poedjo Astowo (1985-1986), M. Komarudin (1986-1989), Ibrahim BA (1989-1994), Drs. Sidhi Hernadi (1994-1996), H. Walim Saefuddin (1996-1997), Drs. Tarso (1997-2001), Drs.H.Uhadi (2001-2003), Drs.S.Sumardjo, M.Pd (2003-2007), and who now is Drs.H.Kasiyo, M.Pd.
Various facilities are owned by SMAN 1 Kuningan to support teaching and learning activities. Facilities include: class, library, Biology Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Laboratory of Chemical, Computer Laboratory, Language Laboratory. At SMAN 1 Kuningan also has extracurricular activities, including sporting events, Nature Lovers, religious activities, scouts, PMR, and others.

SMAN 1 Kuningan has approximately 800 students. Class X has 300 students, a class XI has 300 students, and the rest the class XII. SMAN 1 Kuningan has 66 teachers including the Administrative Staff. Among the 66 teachers, there are 24 Guardian Class.
Class X are on the first floor, second floor, and near the Hall. Class XI IPA contained in the first floor, a Class XI IPS there is a first floor near the mosque and on the second floor. Class XII Science and XII IPS are on the first floor and second floor of the south. In SMAN Kuningan newly built mosques there. And is conducting the development of new classes for class X which is nearing completion.
I am happy to school here, because the facility is complete, teachers are good and experienced, other students also appreciate and respect each other like family.


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